S5 - Siemens 4-5.X

Join your fellow Siemens 4-5.X operators

14 Nov from 12:00 to 14:50


The Siemens 4-5.X platforms are creating huge financial issues for Siemens. Even if Siemens has acted on their RCA and fired the engineers who are to blame for the poor quality, these issues remain for the owners and operators of these machines.

Join our Siemens 4-5.X operators

We have invited the 8 energy companies listed below, collaborating within our Siem,ens 4-5.X user group, to Madrid. Among themselves, they own 511 500 Siemens 4-5.X turbines.

They are, of course, interested in including more Siemens 4-5.X operational know-how in the group. On the Owners Roundtable 2024, we then offer the opportunity for non-members who own Siemens 4-5.X turbines to join Siemens 4-5.X owner-2-owner collaboration.

Siemens 4-5.X challenges

Are these the kind of challenges you are expected to solve for your Siemens 4-5.X operations?

  • Blade cracking issues

  • Drive train issues

  • HSS couplings slippages

  • LSS coupling issues

  • Main bearing early deterioration

  • Structural weaknesses in the connection between the main bearings assembly and the nacelle base frame

  • Non transparent site load assesment

Joining this discussion with your Siemens 4-5.X peers will give you a broader understanding, an expanded network and valuable insights.

Your top challenge – directly included

This roundtable is based on real and current challenges held among the participants. You will have direct input on your top challenge and insights into your peer’s top challenges.

  1. Before the event - submit your top challenge.

  2. At the event - discover your peers' challenges, have input on yours and discuss solutions.

  3. After the event - receive a summary of the findings from all roundtables, providing valuable insights for all.

Once you have registered your team, each individual will receive a link to select roundtables and submit their top challenges. A dummy is shown at this link.