S5 - Nordex 2.3-2.5 MW

Enhance Nordex 2.3-2.5 operations through collaboration with your peers

14 Nov from 12:00 to 14:50


The Nordex 2.3-2.5 user group spans over four continents. Collaboration has gone to the next level. Most known issues for the Nordex 2.3-2.5 turbines have been covered. For persistent issues, we are bringing in specialists to have their views on proven solutions, new technologies and methods. At the same time, we are going more out into the real world, discussing broader issues for how to improve operations and supply chain. This is a great development.

Your moderator for this roundtable

Terry Lewis, Senior Technical Specialist at Renantis

Renantis is about to marry Ventient Energy, all backed by JP Morgan. This will result in a wind portfolio closer to 4 GW of installed wind capacity. Renantis has one of the world's biggest Nordex 2.3-2.5 fleets. Usually, these turbine-specific owners' meetings are hosted by O2O WIND, but for Madrid, we have asked our dear members to help us.

A big thank you to Renantis!

Collaborate with Nordex 2.3-2.5 operators

We have invited the 17 energy companies listed below, collaborating within our Nordex 2.3-2.5 user group, to Madrid. Among themselves, they own 894 Nordex 2.3-2.5 turbines. This roundtable will include the following turbine models: N80, N90, N100 & N117.

They are, of course, interested in including more Nordex 2.3-2.5 operational know-how in the group. On the Owners Roundtable 2024, we then offer the opportunity for non-members who own Nordex 2.3-2.5 turbines to join us

Nordex 2.3-2.5 challenges

Are these the kind of challenges you are expected to solve for your Nordex 2.3-2.5 operations?

  • Nordex N100 Main Bearing failures

  • Blade Bearing

  • Yaw brake calipers

  • Hydraulic issues in the gamma version

  • Very high number of converter faults

  • GE Converter Hose Upgrade

  • Broken pitch battery boxes Nordex N100 gamma

  • N90 Lightning Rods

  • Nordex Blade Bolts

  • Main converter faults that are causing the turbines to curtail themselves

  • Root cause analysis of cooling systems for the main inverter

  • Broken blade bolts

  • Pitch Converter Failures

  • Long delivery times for maintenance materials and spare parts

Joining this discussion with your Nordex 2.3-2.5 peers will give you a broader understanding, an expanded network and valuable insights.

Your top challenge – directly included

This roundtable is based on real and current challenges held among the participants. You will have direct input on your top challenge and insights into your peer’s top challenges.

  1. Before the event - submit your top challenge.

  2. At the event - discover your peers' challenges, have input on yours and discuss solutions.

  3. After the event - receive a summary of the findings from all roundtables, providing valuable insights for all.

Once you have registered your team, each individual will receive a link to select roundtables and submit their top challenges. A dummy is shown at this link.