S5 - GE 2-3.X
Enhance GE 2-3.X operations through collaboration with your peers
14 Nov from 12:00 to 14:50

The GE 2-3.X user group is by far our most frustrated one. Our members are asking their turbine manufacturer technical questions and getting responses from legal people. Its uncertain times for GE 2-3.X owners. Speaking to some top directors among O2O WIND members there is no clarity for if GE is about to withdraw from Europe, Asia, and South America, and even our US-based members are frustrated. This calls for collaboration.
Your moderator for this roundtable
Rémi Stein, Key Machinery Expert at ENGIE
Engie is a global leader in the renewable energy sector. Usually, O2O WIND hosts these turbine-specific owners' meetings, but we have asked our dear members to help us in Madrid.
A big thank you to Engie!
Join our GE 2-3.X operators
We have invited the 16 energy companies listed below, collaborating within our GE 2-3.X user group, to Madrid. Among themselves, they own 1011 GE 2-3.X turbines, including the following models: GE 2.5-100/103/116/120/127, GE 2.5xl, GE 2.72-116, GE 2.75-100/103/120, GE 2.85-100/103, GE’s 3.2-130, GE 3.8-130, GE 3.6/3.8/4.0-137, GE 4.2-117 models.
They are, of course, interested in including more GE 2-3.X operational know-how in the group. On the Owners Roundtable 2024, we then offer the opportunity for non-members who own GE 2-3.X turbines to join GE 2-3.X owner-2-owner collaboration.
GE 2-3.X challenges
Are these the kind of challenges you are expected to solve for your GE 2-3.X operations?
Pitch Bearings - The Achilles heel of GE 2.5 XL Turbine
Blade Bond Line Cracks
Gearbox Elastomer Dampers and rubber hoses worn out
Main Shafts Bearings premature wear
Hub area issues: blade bearing seals, pitch motors, pitch batteries, corrosion / sheared bolts of the spinner cover, water ingress in the controller box.
Winergy generator failures.: serial manufacturing defect noted
Power Cables Joints overheating along the tower
Cracks and blowholes in azimut break discs
Main bearing breakdown
20 % generator failures at our site
Pitch Motor Failures
Blade Bearing Lubrication issues for 2.5 XL series
Cable joint overheating issues and measures
TPI Blade - Trailing Edge Blade crack. Hardware Mitigation.
Joining this discussion with your GE 2-3.X peers will give you a broader understanding, an expanded network and valuable insights.
Your top challenge – directly included
This roundtable is based on real and current challenges held among the participants. You will have direct input on your top challenge and insights into your peer’s top challenges.
Before the event - submit your top challenge.
At the event - discover your peers' challenges, have input on yours and discuss solutions.
After the event - receive a summary of the findings from all roundtables, providing valuable insights for all.
Once you have registered your team, each individual will receive a link to select roundtables and submit their top challenges. A dummy is shown at this link.
Jump in-between our five different sessions: