S2 - Real loads assessment at site assessment level
13 Nov - From 12:50 to 14:40

This is probably our most advanced roundtable discussion, directly pointing to the crisis several OEMs are currently undergoing. We are exploring how site assessments can better explain additional fatigue loads and improve combined fatigue loading estimates beyond current standards. Why do standard wind turbine components often fail to meet expected lifetimes, and how can non-destructive testing ensure structural integrity for extended lifetimes? Has there been an unhealthy interplay between the OEM's sales departments and the turbine owners' purchasing departments creating low-quality turbines?
Your moderator for this roundtable
Antonio Herrera, Civil and Mechanical Technical Director – EDP Renewables
EDP Renewables is a global leader in the renewable energy sector and the world's fourth-largest renewable energy producer. Usually, these turbine-specific owners' meetings are hosted by O2O WIND, but we have asked our dear members to help us in Madrid.
A big thank you to EDP Renewables!
Is this your cup of tea?
Are these the challenges you are expected to develop in your professional role?
What could be improved in site assessment to understand better additional fatigue loads due to inflow angle, turbulences, wake effect, wind shear, and transients?
How can we better estimate combined fatigue loading than the current standards?
Why are standard components not reaching the expected lifetime in the wind despite the IEC 61400-1 standard?
Regarding lifetime extension, what could NDT do to ensure that the fatigue process is not affecting the structural parts on sites where major components aren’t reaching their theoretical lifetime?
Are the OEMs and certification bodies transparent enough toward the Owner/Operators with the current site assessment methodology - specifically for major components’ lifetime assessment as part of the business plan?
Is there any fatigue load underestimation at site assessment or in the design?
Are the current fatigue loading models good enough for each site?
Joining this discussion with identical peers from other WTG owners will give you a broader understanding, an expanded network and valuable insights.
Your top challenge – directly included
This roundtable is based on real and current challenges held among the participants. You will have direct input on your top challenge and insights into your peer’s top challenges.
Before the event - submit your top challenge.
At the event - discover your peers' challenges, have input on yours and discuss solutions.
After the event - receive a summary of the findings from all roundtables, providing valuable insights for all.
Once you have registered your team, each individual will receive a link to select roundtables and submit their top challenges. A dummy is shown at this link.
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