S2 - Contract negotiations with OEMs
13 Nov - From 12:50 to 14:40

All owners follow a similar route when negotiating the TSA, SA & SSA. Comparing why certain decisions are made at various milestones in this process could improve your next deal. The market is evolving rapidly and writing longer service agreements is maybe not as attractive any more. Furthermore, we have the current market situation with bleeding OEMs to consider
Your moderator for this roundtable
A skilled moderator, selected from our members, will be added soon.
We will recruit a social person who is dedicated to sharing and knowledgeable in his/her field. O2O WIND usually hosts these discussions, but we have asked our dear members to help us in Madrid.
Is this your cup of tea?
Are these the challenges you are expected to develop in your professional role?
How to design your RFQ to facilitate comparison of different turbine makes and models
How do we evaluate and compare the expected AEP?
What are the expected losses and uncertainties for the AEP?
How do we evaluate and compare different turbine manufacturers from a commercial point of view to understand the underlying cost in every step – where do the turbine manufacturer have their margins in both manufacturing and operations and maintenance of the turbine?
How do we get the turbine’s life cycle total cost and make it possible to compare the life cycle costs between different models?
How do we evaluate and compare terms and conditions for a given guarantee of availability?
From an active owner’s point of view, which are the core elements in the contract that create the most potential for a profitable investment?
How do you regulate the liquidated damages, and for which circumstances?
How do we compare different Service Agreements?
Which new risks have the turbine manufacturers and the WTG owners been forced to carry due to how the market has changed over the past 24 months?
All bullets above are possible for owners to have valuable discussions on a principal level without going into any sensitive details. Joining this discussion with identical peers from other WTG owners will give you a broader understanding, an expanded network and valuable insights.
Your top challenge – directly included
This roundtable is based on real and current challenges held among the participants. You will have direct input on your top challenge and insights into your peer’s top challenges.
Before the event - submit your top challenge.
At the event - discover your peers' challenges, have input on yours and discuss solutions.
After the event - receive a summary of the findings from all roundtables, providing valuable insights for all.
Once you have registered your team, each individual will receive a link to select roundtables and submit their top challenges. A dummy is shown at this link.
Jump in-between our five different sessions: