Continuing the discussions we had in Madrid
Besides very positive reviews, several participants suggested continuing the discussion beyond Madrid.
Our app can host such a continuation, but the most important thing is that we can continue to have moderators for our discussions.
I have spoken with a couple of the moderators we had in Madrid, and the approach is relatively simple:
Only select the most popular roundtables. For the continuation of the Owners Roundtable, we will focus only on the tables that were split into two or three due to high participation.
Only select the roundtables for which we have interested moderators.
I don't think being the moderator will take too much time. If a specific topic is directly related to your professional responsibilities, it could be advantageous for you to be the moderator as you will be on top of this topic. It hasn't been tried before, and if you are saying yes to something that will be too much of a burden, you tell me, and I'll replace you.
You are not saying yes or no to anything by submitting the form below. You told me you could be interested but haven't promised anything.